Thursday, September 1, 2011

The nexus of Cause and Effect.


Time, at least how we perceive it, is an everflowing causal pathway that leads from the past through the present and beyond, to the future. Seemingly like gravity, it is a force that we cannot control, or resist. It binds us to it's strong current until we can no longer swim above her surface and we drown within.

It is precious these moments that we all experience right now. Our existence, our thoughts, our ideas, our conflicts. They mean nothing in comparison to the entire length and breadth in space of the universe multiplied by the absolute expanse of time. We are conveniently presented with opportunity with our past developments, and recent enlightenment to further ourselves in knowledge, society, and civilisation itself. These moments in time are ours to embrace and cherish, and to push ourselves to provide better worlds for Earth.

We all have our time to perish. We never see it coming, if we can be so lucky. But, it is a time that we all must experience at some point; our shared fate that binds all life on this Earth. Some are just waiting for it to arrive, knowing that it'll happen one day. Most still are healthy unlike certain people who may have terminal cancer, or other medical issues that will destroy them in the end. Others are just fine, still waiting for the inevitable. A wasted day equals a wasted week.

Our perception of time tells us that we don't have long, at least in the whole scheme of things, and we try so hard to spread our wings like angels and achieve all our dreams. It is, perhaps, a case of having dreams too big for our lives to accommodate and we try to juggle the entire world, but end up with just a piece of the puzzle. And we stare at it wondering where does this even go? Where do I put my piece? It doesn't fit anywhere. And sometimes we never find its space.

Life is not positive or negative, good or bad, or anything like that. We are the ones who put that misnomer to products that we deem for those to be true. We often destroy our own experience of our time by seeing the world for what it's not. And hence, that takes form. Instead of building a future, we press the self-destruct button thinking that there is no future.

As far as I know, there will be time and space for a very long time after I die. I accept one day that I will no longer be able to conceive thoughts and act as I do now. But, it is for good reason; as time continues, others become. And although we are gone, they prevail. Without us, they may not have existed at all. And without them, we existed for nothing. The positivity is that we can exist yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We can use our moments now to create a better platform for those of tomorrow to build upon.

As a the Science Fiction writer, Ray Cummings, wrote:

"Time... is what keeps everything from happening at once".

We have all of our existence; why throw it away for nothing? There's so much to look forward to in the future. So much unseen that only imagination can crack open. Don't throw away today because yesterday was bad. Tomorrow can be better if you try! Grab the opportunity and make it your own. Make your future bright; don't let anything turn it out. And once you're there, don't cast a shadow. Bring light to everyone around you. Perhaps we will see a future with open eyes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


'Existing in chains is no life'.

Isn't it funny how life goes on? Sorry to open with an ambiguous question. But that's the entire basis of this post. You're at one point in your life, and then before you know it, you're suddenly years down the track reminiscing about that time when that thing happened.

I have the realisation that as you get older you accumulate more and more memories and moments that you have to look back upon. Depending on your outlook that may or may not matter. But, I'm sure we've all spent nights laying in bed, bedroom lights turned off with maybe the street lights streaming in a little, and you're thinking about those moments you experienced previously that had a profound impact on you. Or maybe they didn't have a profound impact on you at the time, but now that you look back you think that those were the times of your life. That of course isn't true! The time of your life is NOW! The present. That's for another blog entry, I reckon.

Furthermore, what sort of life would you live if you never had those memories? Pretty bland. Great life experience and memories are sort of like scars on your mind. These are things that affect you greatly, whether for good or bad, and they travel with you for the rest of your life.

The past is great to reflect on, and to cherish. After all, it is what makes us who we are today. But, somehow more importantly, the present is the most important. The 'now' is the time where we can make action. You cannot change the past or dictate the future. But, you can accept who you are, and strive towards a better tomorrow.

I'll leave you with the quote above to elicit some thought; What is life if you don't live it? There are plenty of things in our life that we perceive holds us back. That prevents us from reaching our goals. This just isn't true. Your greatest enemy is yourself. Your own self-doubt and fear can stop you from achieving your dreams, if you let it. Break free of your self to soar further than you ever imagined. Never let any dreams fall through your fingers! You'll never get them back if you do..

So now, apparently, I'm signing off!
Until next week,