Thursday, June 17, 2010

'The Government and You: A guide to contentment'

Vote now!

So, I'm going to tell you guys now. This will be a short blog post. But, I'm asking the question. What are your opinions on voting? Now, I seriously want to see comments for this one guys!

Do you think compulsory voting is the right way to go? Or should Australia change to a voting system similar to that of America? *shudders* Or possibly some other version of democratic voting.

What are your thoughts about the different political parties in Australia? Is voting even that important considering that both leading parties are more or less the same? How are they different?

So, let it all hang out on my comments here and help me discover everyone's opinion!


'This Ship Can't Sink!'

But, it did...

Today I did some thinking.. Well, actually it was more like 2 minutes of thought. Nothing spectacular! I wonder how people can sign away their lives and feel complacent with the thought that all things are determined before they're even born. That all that is to happen is meant to happen as fate intended. Sure, there is an essence of determinism at hand. But, it can't be entirely deterministic at all. Lest we want to void all personal responsibility for our actions.

I suppose in the end, it can appear as if things were fated! As if they were meant to be, that no matter how much you could have resisted things were always supposed to be that way since the beginning of time. I reckon there's a few factors that come into the equation:

1. The Past.
2. The Environment.
3. Your Actions/Choices.

So, It's almost like a tapestry that is being made as we go along. 'The Past' is the parts of the tapestry that have already been woven. This portion of the tapestry influences the frontier that is being created constantly. 'The Environment' is like the Loom that the tapestry is being made on. And 'Your Action' is like the threads themselves, weaving in different directions to make various images in the weave.


(I'll elaborate on this more later!)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

'True Happiness Comes From Within'

Just be yourself.

So, I've been sitting around for a while thinking about how to write a blog about happiness. But, I sort of put it on the back burner because I couldn't think of a way to write it perfectly. But, someone had told me that I should write a new blog post so I'm sort of just going to go with whatever comes to mind.

Yesterday I went out and bought 'Once' on DVD. It's a pretty good movie! I really enjoy it! I'm now about to watch it for the second time, mainly because my internet is shaped and I can't use youtube until I get my interwebz back.

But, this moves me to my next point - Writing music. I have this desire to write an awesomely awesome song, but nothing that comes out is ever good enough in my mind. Perhaps this is just the 'musician's curse'. But, I'm sure one day I'll create something that just pulls my own strings. Nothing kinky involved, of course!

I suppose it is difficult to find something that inspires you to feel when feeling is the last thing on your list of things to do. Feelings are funny things, don't you reckon? Feelings don't necessarily get things done, or make situations any better. They're good at complicating things, or writing songs. They aren't, however, completely logical. Because seriously, who thinks logically before they feel? I try to. It seems I've succeeded if I can no longer just reacted emotionally. There's always a thought process behind it. I don't think I could ever go back to understanding how responding with emotion first works. Being upset or angry doesn't fix any problems, if there is a problem in the first place. I like my contentness. It's all content and shit.

Goals and to-do lists are all nice. Organising thoughts and long term plans to direct you towards your achievements. The only downfall I dislike about setting long term goals is that it takes so long to reach them. But, I suppose that is the nature of their long term-ness!

There's a distinct impression of discord in this blog post. I think I'm going to have to apologize for that. My thoughts today are rather indistinct. However, hopefully you all still enjoy my humble ramblings.

Hmm.. It seems I can't add sound clips. That would have been cool! I can add video though! Maybe at some point when I get a new microphone I'll make a video and add it to a blog! :)

For now, I'll sign off!


Friday, June 4, 2010

"O Brave New World, that has such people in't"

And so it has begun.

I have created my blog. I think before we delved into the deepness that is my thoughts, we'll discuss the name I have chosen for this particular blog. 'The Psychedelic Sunfish Explosion'. It's an hilarious name that we thought up for a possible band name (And quite possibly still stands as one). Ocean sunfish are an amazingly peculiar creature. I suggest you google it and see for yourself! It will surprise and amaze you!

So, why create a blog? There are many reasons to start one. This is simply a way that I can express my thoughts, and philosophies to anybody willing to listen (Or in this case read). I will most likely cover plenty of subject matter from the strange unique attributes of animals, to the price of chips in Mongolia. But, whatever is written I promise that I'll try to make it as interesting as possible. So, when inspiration strikes! You can rest assured that there will now be a blog somewhere, sometime, for me to write about it!

In conclusion to wrap up today's post, I would introduce to you one of the strangest animals in the Animal Kingdom. The Gerenuk!

I don't think I'm actually allowed to post other people's photos on here! However, I strongly urge you viewers to google it quick!

Thank you all. This was a very enjoyable initial post.
