Thursday, August 5, 2010


"Love is not blind. It sees more, not less. And because it sees more, it is willing to see less."

So, the title is 'Epiphany', but it only really relates to my introduction. I've come to the conclusion that if I really want anybody to read these blog updates, I'm actually going to have to start writing them regularly. Otherwise, it'll just sit here for a few months and then i'll update it when I'm bored. Or when I'm extremely drunk.

I'm not surprised at all that I would feel the urge to sit at my computer (desktop PC, not a laptop! I'm too lazy to go up to Dicksmith and buy a laptop so I could blog in bed!) and type out a new blog entry! (I think I'm addicted to exclamation marks. Oh my!).

So, this evening I had a wonderful discussion with my mother about the book that was featured this morning on Channel Seven's morning show 'Sunrise' about if America never existed. I'm not sure what the name of the book is so I cannot link you to it. (I was asleep!) So, if anyone has this knowledge leave a comment for someone who cares!

Moving along. We talked a bit (In other words, I rambled on) about the implications of the USA not taking part in WW2 and then somehow got talking about Korea, and how when her friend visited over there that he was amazed about the propaganda (It being the opposite of what we would have had here, naturally!). Which didn't surprise me at all. But, I do often think about how much propaganda Australians receive in a hour news cast and that people just take it all in. Accept it. And never question what they're being told. If the media told you that Beef is bad for you and if you ate it you would DIE!!!!!! (Excuse the exclamation marks, I think they like me too) then I bet you 10 schillings that somebody would believe it!

The media, even today, is a horrible propaganda propagating machine! (I didn't have a word that meant the same as 'machine' but started with 'p'). Consider the usage of words like 'Terrorist', 'Digger', and other sort of big terms which elicit emotional reacts from viewers. From one point of view, someone is always the good guy, and the other always the bad guy. But, in reality, the good guy and the bad guy are just guys. Deep, I know! But true! They're both just fighting for what they believe. And in the end, is that so wrong?

People these days are surprisingly intolerant of anybody that isn't like them. I have a saying, which has probably been said many times before, but is true:

"We are all different, yet we are also the same".

It goes along those lines anyway! In case you don't understand; That's okay. Let's investigate it a little further.

We are all different. This is the easy part! We all realise this! Some people have light skin, some people have dark skin. Blue eyes; brown eyes. Tall; short. Big noses; Little noses. This is the whole basis of racism. We're different so I don't like who you are! I figure it'd be the same if robots were intelligent. People would have a hard time adjusting to that. But, those robots would just be another species to live happily beside. I just hope those robots don't learn their life lessons from those who sustain ignorant beliefs, significantly those we're touching on.

We are all the same. This is the hard part that people have problems dealing with. No matter where you come from, who you are, what you look like, how you feel, what you believe, etc! We all feel the same kind of emotions, we all think about life and death, we all love our families and friends, we all make connections with those around us, and can be sentimental at times. Whatever you think or feel; I assure you, someone probably thinks or feels the same somewhere else in the world. We can take this further!

All life has similarities to us; we aren't special. We simply have different ways of coping with the environments that we reside in. All life is life! And I'm sure when we create robots that think, feel, move and live for themselves that they should have the equal amount to live their lives just as freely as any other creature on this planet. Okay, I just want a robotic vacuum cleaner!

'Sea' you later Crab steaks!

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